Dear members of the Yale family in Germany, 

If you are in Munich, we'd like to invite you to the next Dialogues on Democracy event on April 26th. Our partners at Amerikahaus are generously hosting, and there will be a wine reception following the talk. Join us to meet other fun, engaged Yalies in Munich, as well as the rest of the Dialogues on Democracy community of cool and engaged citizens. If you are not in Munich, there is a livestream link if you'd like to watch from the comfort of your living room. Links for the in-person registration as well as for the streaming link are below. Hope to see you there!

Are you in Frankfurt? Save the date for the next Stammtisch on May 26th, 18:30 at Westbar, Myliusstr 48. Please rsvp to Laura Sprague ( to give the bar an idea of how many we'll be.

As always, if you are interested in organizing a get-together in your town or city, we are happy to promote it - just drop a line to

Boola Boola,




The Politics of US Information Warfare 

The history, why we are so bad at this, and current challenges given the domestic and geopolitical situation


Wednesday, April 26th, 2023, 7 p.m. CET

The Theater at Amerikahaus

Karolinenplatz 3  80333 Munich

Join us in Munich for a Dialogues on Democracy evening. This event is planned to be hybrid.

Register via evenoo for the in-person event HERE.

If you cannot be with us in Munich, you can watch the YouTube livestream HERE

Labels such as "psychological warfare," and "information warfare," or "hybrid warfare," and "political warfare" have appeared in recent years to reflect attempts to understand and frame how an adversary attempts to shape the minds and will of people toward a political end.  Matt Armstrong argues the US has long struggled conceptually, organizationally, and practically on how to approach these and related issues as he argued the United States continually fails to properly armed itself for the cold reality of the political warfare waged against its interests.

An absence of historical perspective and understanding suggests we will continue our missteps, if we take any steps at all. The US Information Agency, created in 1953, is often held out as a symbol of success that should be recreated in some form, but it actually represented a failure in that it replaced an agency that had a far broader portfolio, enjoyed greater authorities, and was already integrated into formulation and conduct of foreign policy, and it was not tasked with defending against foreign political warfare. What now?  

Matthew Armstrong is currently pursuing a PhD at King’s College London on US responses to Russian political warfare in the early cold war. He was previously nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate to serve (2013-2017) as a Governor on the Broadcasting Board of Governors. He previously served as the Executive Director of the US Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy. For nearly two decades, he has worked with the Defense Department, the State Department, Congress, NATO organizations, and ministries of NATO member countries on issues related to the US government’s international information activities. He’s testified several times before Congressional committee, including the House Armed Services Committee and the House Foreign Affairs Committee, on “information warfare” and “gray zone” activities. He is an Honorary Member of the Psychological Operations Regiment at the US Army’s JFK Special Warfare Center and School. He was sanctioned by Russia in 2022.

He earned a B.A. in International Relations and a Master of Public Diplomacy from the University of Southern California and studied European security at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth. He has lived in Europe since 2013, the past seven years in Zürich. Matt is married with two kids, two cats (one British, one Lithuanian), and a rescued dog (Romanian).


The Yale Club of Germany e.V.


• For up-to-date event information, join our Facebook group.

If you have event ideas, would like to get involved in club activites, let us know!


The Yale Club is always looking for alumni to interview local high-school students who are applying to Yale College. If you would like to help out or learn more, please contact our ASC director, Rebecca Haltzel-Haas.

Yale Book Award

If you interested in presenting the Yale Book Award at a high school in your area, please contact the club board.


The Club does not assess dues, but asks its members to make an modest annual contribution (€20 suggested, but any amount is welcome) to help fund Club activities.

To contribute, please arrange a bank transfer (Überweisung) to the following account and be sure to include your email address so we can send you your tax-deductible donation receipt:

Payee: Yale Club e.V.
IBAN: DE36830654080005217610
Bank: VR-Bank Altenburger Land eG

For any question regarding contributions, please contact our Treasurer, Hans Christian Siller.

Club Officers


Bartley Grosserichter (Yale College ’88)


Hans Christian Siller (GSAS ’12)


Alexander Schmitt Glaeser (LLM ’89)


Rebecca Haltzel-Haas (Yale College ’90)


Jana Striezel (LLM ’02)