Dear members of the Yale family in Germany,

Please find below an invitation to join our Annual General Meeting which will be held via Zoom on March 17th. If you are interested in meeting the board members, hearing about our activities, or getting more involved yourself, we'd love to have you join us. 

In addition there will be an online cocktails and conversation FebClub on February 22nd - this is open to all the clubs of "Eurovision" -  join us from Lisbon to London, Munich to Moscow and Tübingen to Tel Aviv. You can pop in and out as your schedule allows, and there is no agenda but fun conversation.

And I'm resending the information on our April event with George Packer. Registration for in-person tickets is open now, and if you are interested in a Yale Club lunch or reception with our guest, just drop me a direct mail (

Stay warm and stay healthy. I hope to "see" you at one of our upcoming events.

Boola Boola,



Einladung zur Mitgliederversammlung 2022

des Yale Club e.V. 

am 17. März  2022, Herzogstr. 58, 80803 München, 10 Uhr

(per Videokonferenz)

München, den 08. Februar  2022

An alle Mitglieder

Hiermit werden Sie herzlichst eingeladen zur ordentlichen Mitgliederversammlung 2022 des Yale Club e.V. (Vereinsregisternummer 73 VR 8395, Steuernummer 47 250 9300 9 - XV/17).

Die Mitgliederversammlung findet am 17. März  2022 ab 10 Uhr online per Videokonferenz statt.

Wir bitten um Anmeldung Ihrer Teilnahme per eMail an - die nötigen Zugangsdaten (Zoom-Link und das Meeting-Passwort) erhalten Sie dann im Anschluss per eMail.

Es wird folgende Tagesordnung vorgeschlagen:

  1. Eröffnung und Begrüßung
  2. Wahl eines Protokollführers
  3. Feststellung der form- und fristgerechten Einladung, der anwesenden Stimmen und der Beschlussfähigkeit
  4. Feststellung der Tagesordnung
  5. Genehmigung des Protokolls der Mitgliederversammlung vom 27. März  2021
  6.  Berichte:

• der Vorsitzenden

• der stellvertretenden Vorsitzenden

• des Kassenwarts

• des ASC-Komitees (Interviews von Schülern/Bewerbern)

  1. Beschlussfassung über die Verwendung von Geldern (Bildung und Verwendung von Rücklagen)
  2. Beschlussfassung über eingereichte Anträge
  3. Verschiedenes
  4. Schließung der Sitzung

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Bartley Großerichter, Vorsitzende 



Join us for a pan-European Happy Hour with the Yale Clubs of Eurovision (we’ve included Moscow and Israel)!

Every year, Yale alumni and their friends gather around the world every night of February — in small groups and large, in cities, towns, hamlets and villages, on every continent. Why do we do it? Simple. Because it’s fun to get together. That’s it. There is no agenda. There is no plan. Feb Club is simply a way for Yalies the world over to get together. This approach has worked since the first worldwide Feb Club in 2008.

Since then, we have had more than 1,000 parties and have welcomed more than 30,000 guests all with one aim – to hang out with an amazing, diverse, vibrant, curious and fun group of people from all Yale College classes, all Yale graduate and professional schools and all walks of life. Feb Club Emeritus has only three rules: no speeches, no fundraising, it’s just a party. It’s that simple.

Grab your beverage of choice and join us to meet fellow Yalies around Europe.

For the ZOOM link, send a message to






Join us in Munich on April 27th for an evening entitled "Is there still hope? America in crisis and renewal." The Atlantic's George Packer (Yale College '82) will join us in person to talk about his latest work Last Best Hope and what kind of civic revitalization is necessary in America today.

This event will be hybrid and available on YouTube live for those who can't be in Munich. See the website for more information and links to register and watch. If you'd like to get information directly, you can sign up at

If you are in BERLIN, George will be at The American Academy on April 28th. Watch their website for more details.

If you are interested in joining a Yale Club lunch in Munich with George, please send me a mail for more information (


The Yale Club of Germany e.V.


• For up-to-date event information, join our Facebook group.

If you have event ideas, would like to get involved in club activites, let us know!


The Yale Club is always looking for alumni to interview local high-school students who are applying to Yale College. If you would like to help out or learn more, please contact our ASC director, Rebecca Haltzel-Haas.

Yale Book Award

If you interested in presenting the Yale Book Award at a high school in your area, please contact the club board.


The Club does not assess dues, but asks its members to make an modest annual contribution (€20 suggested, but any amount is welcome) to help fund Club activities.

To contribute, please arrange a bank transfer (Überweisung) to the following account and be sure to include your email address so we can send you your tax-deductible donation receipt:

Payee: Yale Club e.V.
IBAN: DE36830654080005217610
Bank: VR-Bank Altenburger Land eG

For any question regarding contributions, please contact our Treasurer, Hans Christian Siller.

Club Officers


Bartley Grosserichter (Yale College ’88)


Hans Christian Siller (GSAS ’12)


Alexander Schmitt Glaeser (LLM ’89)


Rebecca Haltzel-Haas (Yale College ’90)


Jana Striezel (LLM ’02)